
As you may have already read in the other post, the notifications for Avialae are changing slightly. I'm trying to keep it as convenient as possible for readers to stay updated, but there may be some changes as the new site develops.

On the footer is a form to sign up for the newsletter. This is new, and I will be sending out emails to people on the list whenever a public page of Avialae goes up, a new episode of Impact Theory goes up, a news post goes up, or if there are any significant changes to the site. This is only for public updates, as Patreon supporters already get push notifications and emails through the Patreon app/site.

This is not up yet, and I'm not even sure if people still use these, but there will be a link to the RSS feed for each comic eventually.

Nothing is changing about the updates on Patreon! You will still get emails and push notifications when pages go up as usual. :) I will start linking to this site in the comments of the posts when Patreon integration is implemented. Then you will be able to read the advanced pages and extra content on a real ass website and not have to struggle with Patreon's weird tag system.

Nothing is changing about the Avialae tumblr! This is actually the only way other than Patreon to get push notifications directly to full pages.

I will continue to tweet on my twitter when an Avialae page goes up and when other significant things happen on the site. But you still have to read my garbage tweets about sad anime boys.

I will continue to post preview images on Smackjeeves when an Avialae page goes up here. It will automatically redirect you to the newest page. I'll be doing the same with Impact Theory eventually.

For now I will continue to post preview images on Tapas with links to this site so readers there can stay updated. Tapas is on thin ice right now for several reasons, so I may stop updating there at some point. But I will always have to do this to comply with their content policies.

That should do it for now! Managing all this stuff takes a surprising amount of time and organization, so please be patient if I forget to update one or two places while things change. :)

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